President and founder of Links Financial, Penny Parks, discusses the details of merger and acquisition deals in these video clips. For more information about the specifics of your M&A deal, contact our firm today.
Pros and Cons of Private Equity
Private equity and family offices are more expensive, but viable, options for business financing. Listen to Penny Parks break down these two forms of financing.
What Banks and Private Lenders Like to See
Learn what encourages different lenders to extend a loan. Banks like to see security while private lenders are willing to take more risk if they see value and strategy in the deal.
Why Lenders Request Personal Guarantees
Penny Parks answers why lenders ask for personal guarantees and explains what it really means for you.
What an SBA Loan Really Is
Penny Parks explains what an SBA loan really is and how it works. SBA loans are extremely popular with lenders right now.
The Downside to SBA Loans
SBA loans are a great business financing option, but be prepared to be all-in! Learn about the requirements that come with this type of financing.
Is Buying Out Your Business Partner Considered Valuable?
Penny Parks answers whether or not lenders consider buying out a business partner valuable.
When Having a Business Partner Makes Sense
Business partnerships should be strategic. If value isn’t being added to your business then beware! Partnerships for capital aren’t recommended because they aren’t necessary. Contact us to learn where else you can find funding to grow your business.
What a Realistic Growth Plan Does Not Look Like
Lenders always see rosy projections in business plans, but they will throw out a plan with projections that seem way too good to be true. Be realistic and don’t over promise. Contact us to get advice about your business plan.
Pricing Multiples in a Fragmented Market
One successful m&a business model for a fragmented market is the use of multiples. Listen to Penny Parks explain how this model works.