There are many valid reasons why it makes sense for business owners to take on partners. Sometimes you need an inflow of cash; sometimes you want to expand your product line or extend your market reach. Potential partners fall into two primary categories: strategic and financial. Knowing the difference between the two is critical to clarifying your business strategy and helping you understand the decision-making process and goals of potential partners.
Strategic vs. Financial Partners
Real Estate Development Financing
Real estate land development takes many forms. It includes tearing down existing buildings and rebuilding, renovating run-down properties, expanding an existing facility, and buying land to develop a commercial complex. As a developer, you will probably need some real estate development financing, regardless of the scope of the project.
When Should You Buy a Business (or Not)?
Buying a business is ordinarily less risky than starting a new business — if you make the correct choice. Finding the right company, securing the funding to buy a business and timing your purchase all play a role in turning the idea of buying a business into a reality. Continue Reading…
What is Leveraged Financing?
Business owners often find themselves facing special situations, such as an acquisition opportunity, where they need more capital. For temporary, short-term funding needs, leveraged financing can be an investment strategy that supports business growth and increases returns. Continue Reading…
What to Expect When Getting Commercial Construction Financing
Understanding the process for financing commercial property can be confusing as there are several financing options available. Additionally, financing for commercial property is some of the toughest financing to get because there isn’t existing cash flow to prove the loan can and will be paid back. Although each lender has individual requirements for commercial construction loans, here’s what you can expect when seeking commercial construction financing.
Links Financial’s Guide To Commercial Real Estate Financing
Owning commercial real estate can be rewarding, but it doesn’t take long to realize that the world of commercial property finance can be confusing. The following information will help you find the money to fund your investment. Continue Reading…
What Is Seller Financing?
Whether you’re a business owner looking to sell your firm or a budding entrepreneur looking to acquire a business, the common denominator to a successful transaction is having the financial capital necessary to accomplish the deal. Seller financing plays a role in more than 50 percent of mid-size business sales and nearly 90 percent of small-business transactions. Seller financing, often called owner financing, is an attractive option for buyers and sellers. Continue Reading…
Restructure Before It’s Necessary
If Necessity is the Mother of Invention Then is Success the Mother of Complacency?
Op/Ed by Penny Parks Continue Reading…
Links Financial Secures Real Estate Development Financing
Links Financial has played a behind-the-scenes role in many Florida real estate deals, both large and small. President Penny Parks has extensive experience working with real estate developers and securing commercial real estate financing. Their familiarity with real estate loans and connections in the industry recently gave the firm and its client, Mosaic, a needed advantage in securing construction financing for The Forum, a multi-family development project in Ft Myers, FL, that broke ground in August 2016.
How to Finance the Purchase of a Business
Acquiring an existing business is usually less risky than starting your own and is a quick way to enter the business world. For other entrepreneurs, buying a business represents a stable way to expand an existing business or increase market share. Either way, most buyers will need a business purchase loan to complete the transaction.